Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Religious Right were *gasp* RIGHT!

Just as we suspect ladies and gentlemen - it's too terrible for words - oh won't someone think of the children?!


Anonymous said...

heya richard,

you are putting out grand things. keep up the good work my friend.


elaine said...

Fuckit. Isn't letting them see the diversity of who we all are, unfettered by prejudice and bigotry 'thinking of the children'?


richardwatts said...

We did? Heavens, Elaine, next you'll be telling me that you knew Spongebob and Tinkeywinky were bumchums! ;-)

Steven said...

Fantastic. I love it!

BEVIS said...

Please check your email. You may have to look through your junk mail folder or something. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

The writting was on the wall and we didnt see it. Their house was was neat, i'm guessing thanks to Bert, and they never had any girls over.

davethescot said...

And Big Bird is a drug dealer.

Unknown said...

My fragile mind cannot understand what my fragile eyes have seen!!!!!

meva said...

Damn paparazzi!

LEAVE THEM IN PEACE, you fuckers!

I will now go and stand on my dignity. (or a handy pedestal)

Broken Left Leg said...

I don't know. Shouldn't bert be looking at the back of earnie's head?

solvent_d said...

"Ernest & Bertram" (2002).

if you haven't already seen it.